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What is

Operation is a core concept at Maestro, and it represents executions done in multiple layers of Maestro, a state update, or a configuration change. Operations can be created by user actions while managing schedulers (e.g. consuming management API), or internally by Maestro to fulfill internal states requirements

Operations are heavily inspired by the Command Design Pattern

Definition and executors

Maestro will have multiple operations, and those will be set using pairs of definitions and executors. An operation definition consists of the operation parameters. An operation executor is where the actual operation execution and rollback logic is implemented, and it will receive as input its correlated definition. So, for example, the CreateSchedulerExecutor will always receive a CreateSchedulerDefinition.

flowchart TD subgraph operations [Operations] subgraph operation_implementation [Operation Impl.] definition(Definition) executor(Executor) end subgraph operation_implementation2 [Operation Impl.] definition2(Definition) executor2(Executor) end subgraph operation_implementation3 [Operation Impl.] definition3(Definition) executor3(Executor) end ... end

Operation Structure

  • id: Unique operation identification. Auto-Generated;
  • status: Operations status. For reference, see here.
  • definitionName: Name of the operation. For reference, see here.
  • schedulerName: Name of the scheduler which this operation affects.
  • createdAt: Timestamp representing when the operation was enqueued.
  • input: Contains the input value for this operation. Each operation has its own input format. For details, see below.
  • executionHistory: Contains logs with detailed info about the operation execution. See below.
id: String
status: String
definitionName: String
schedulerName: String
createdAt: Timestamp
input: Any
executionHistory: ExecutionHistory


  • Create Scheduler
scheduler: Scheduler
  • Create New Scheduler Version
scheduler: Scheduler
  • Switch Scheduler Version
newActiveVersion: Scheduler
  • Add Rooms
amount: Integer
  • Remove Rooms
amount: Integer

Execution History

createdAt: timestamp
event: String
  • createdAt: When did the event happened.
  • event: What happened. E.g. "Operation failed because...".

How does Maestro handle operations

  • Each scheduler has 1 operation execution (no operations running in parallel for a scheduler).
  • Every operation execution has 1 queue for pending operations.
  • When the worker is ready to work on a new operation, it'll pop from the queue.
  • The operation is executed by the worker following the lifecycle described here.


An operation can have one of the Status below:

  • Pending: When an operation is enqueued to be executed;

  • Evicted: When an operation is unknown or should not be executed By Maestro;

  • In Progress: Operation is currently being executed;

  • Finished: Operation finished; Execution succeeded;

  • Error: Operation finished. Execution failed;

  • Canceled: Operation was canceled by the user.

State Machine

flowchart TD pending(Pending) in_progress(In Progress) evicted(Evicted) finished(Finished) canceled(Canceled) error(Error) pending --> in_progress; pending --> evicted; in_progress --> finished; in_progress --> error; in_progress --> canceled;


flowchart TD finish((End)) created("Created (Pending)") evicted(Evicted) error(Error) finished(Finished) canceled(Canceled) should_execute{Should Execute?} execution_succeeded{Success?} err_kind{Error Kind} execute[[Execute]] rollback[[Rollback]] canceled_by_user>Canceled By User] created --> should_execute; should_execute -- No --> evicted --> finish; should_execute -- Yes --> execute; execute --> execution_succeeded; execute --> canceled_by_user --> rollback; execution_succeeded -- Yes --> finished --> finish; execution_succeeded -- No --> rollback; rollback --> err_kind; err_kind -- Canceled --> canceled --> finish; err_kind -- Error --> error --> finish


What is the operation lease

Lease is a mechanism to track the operations' execution process and check if we can rely on the current/future operation state.

Why Operations have it

Sometimes, an operation might get stuck. It could happen, for example, if the worker crashes during the execution of an operation. To keep track of operations, we assign each operation a Lease. This Lease has a TTL (time to live).

When the operation is being executed, this TTL is renewed each time the lease is about to expire while the operation is still in progress. It'll be revoked once the operation is finished.


If an operation is fetched and the TTL expired (the TTL is in the past), the operation probably got stuck, and we can't rely upon its current state, nor guarantee the required side effects of the execution or rollback have succeeded.

If an operation does not have a Lease, it either did not start at all (should be on the queue) or is already finished. An Active Operation without a Lease is at an invalid state.

Maestro do not have a self-healing routine yet for expired operations.

Operation Lease Lifecycle

flowchart TD finish_routine((End)) start_routine((Start)) finish((End)) operation_finished{Op. Finished?} to_execute[Operation to Execute] grant_lease[[Grant Lease]] renew_lease[[Renew Lease]] revoke_lease[[Revoke Lease]] wait_for_ttl(Wait for TTL) execute(Execute Operation) to_execute --> grant_lease; grant_lease --> renew_lease_routine; grant_lease --> execute; subgraph renew_lease_routine [ASYNC Renew Lease Routine] start_routine --> wait_for_ttl; wait_for_ttl --> operation_finished; operation_finished -- Yes --> revoke_lease; operation_finished -- No --> renew_lease --> wait_for_ttl; revoke_lease --> finish_routine; end renew_lease_routine --> finish;

Available Operations

For more details on how to use Maestro API, see this section.

Create Scheduler

  • Accessed through the POST /schedulers endpoint.
  • Creates the scheduler structure for receiving rooms;
  • The scheduler structure is validated, but the game room is not;
  • If operation fails, rollback feature will delete anything created related to scheduler.

Create New Scheduler Version

  • Accessed through the POST /schedulers/:schedulerName endpoint.
  • Creates a validation room (deleted right after). If Maestro cannot receive pings (not forwarded) from validation game room, operation fails;
  • When this operation finishes successfully, it enqueues the "Switch Active Version".
  • If operation fails rollback routine deletes anything (except for the operation) created related to new version.

Switch Active Version

  • Accessed through PUT /schedulers/:schedulerName endpoint.
  • If it's a major change (anything under Scheduler.Spec changed), GRUs are replaced using scheduler maxSurge property;
  • If it's a minor change (Scheduler.Spec haven't changed), GRUs are not replaced;

Add Rooms

  • Accessed through POST /schedulers/:schedulerName/add-rooms endpoint.
  • If any room fail on creating, the operation fails and created rooms are deleted on rollback feature;

Remove Rooms

  • Accessed through POST /schedulers/:schedulerName/remove-rooms endpoint.
  • Remove rooms based on amount;
  • Rollback routine does nothing.