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Getting Started

Getting Started Guide


  • Have a game room container image

Learning Outcomes

After finishing this tutorial you will understand how:

  • to set up your game room to communicate its health status with maestro
  • to configure a new scheduler in maestro with a fixed number of replicas

Configuring your game room

For Maestro to be able to manage your game rooms, you need to ensure that your game room sends a periodic heartbeat to maestro. This heartbeat is what we call ping, in which the room is able to inform its status (such as ready or occupied) to maestro.

For this, you can use maestro-client sdk, if you are using unity, or you can call Maestro rooms API directly using two env vars that are configured in every game room managed by maestro by default.


    "status": "ready",
    "timestamp": "12312312313"

The status field can be: - ready: the room is ready to accept players. - occupied: the room is occupied by one or more matches, and is not ready to accept more players. - terminating: the room is terminating, and will not accept any new players.

Create a scheduler

Use the command below to create a new scheduler, this will make a POST request for /schedulers endpoint.

You need to change some parameters according to your game room image needs, for further details on all scheduler fields check the reference:

  • image: your game room image.
  • game: your game name (a same game can have multiple schedulers).
  • name: your scheduler name (usually, the stack name).
  • spec.command: any command that is required to run your game room.
  • spec.environment: any environment variable required to run your game room.
  • spec.ports: any port that must be exposed for clients to connect to the game room
curl --request POST \
  --url https://<maestro-url>/schedulers \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --header "Authorization: Basic <user:pass in base64>" \
  --data '{
    "name": "<your-scheduler-name-here>",
    "game": "<your-game-name-here>",
    "roomsReplicas": 1,
    "portRange": {
            "start": 20000,
            "end": 21000
    "maxSurge": "10%",
    "spec": {
            "terminationGracePeriod": "100s",
            "containers": [
                    "name": "game-container",
                    "image": "<your-game-image-here>",
                    "imagePullPolicy": "IfNotPresent",
                    "command": [
                    "environment": [
                            "name": "EXAMPLE_NAME",
                            "value": "EXAMPLE_VALUE"
                    "requests": {
                        "memory": "100Mi",
                        "cpu": "100m"
                    "limits": {
                        "memory": "200Mi",
                        "cpu": "200m"
                    "ports": [
                            "name": "port-name",
                            "protocol": "tcp",
                            "port": 12345
    "forwarders": []

After running this command, a scheduler will be created with 1 game room replica.

Then you can use the following command to get the scheduler details such as how many rooms are ready or occupied:

curl --location --request GET "<maestro-url>/schedulers/info?game=<your-game-name-here>" \
 --header "Accept: application/json" \
 --header "Authorization: Basic <user:pass in base64>"